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More studliferous research, an interactive table here by 'Sunshineboom' from our favorite ME social media site, . You can see how often each of 3 different Berenstein Bears terms was searched by USA state and you can use the slider bar at the bottom to change the search year, notice that Bernstein was actually not an unusual search at one time in some states like California and those near the Great Lakes. I actually myself remember it being Bernstein back in the 70s. I am including a copy of the same table below as a backup copy in case we lose the offsite copy. Sorry the sizing is not ideal but you can use the scroll bars at the side and bottom to access the whole USA and the time slider bar that is under the USA map.


Whoa! Last time I saw images of these, they only showed a kind of aura around the moon part, none of the actual sun was showing. Annular eclipses are when supposedly due to distance variation from the Earth, the moon does not completely block the sun during an eclipse. That kind of eclipse only existed for me starting a few years ago. First they started as us being able to see the corona of the sun only, now we can see a big section of the actual sun.

Today is the first day I have seen images these extreme. As part of the new timeline scenario of us having another eclipse seemingly every 5 minutes, we are scheduled to have one of these annular eclipses tomorrow! But not visible from the USA.


You just can't make this stuff up! Many of us remember the sun looking yellow in the sky at one time but now it looks white and much brighter than we remember. Also many remember a different ratio of gases in our atmosphere (less Nitrogen and more CO2!). Did the gases change its appearance? So a while back I checked to see if the sun was still classified as a yellow dwarf as I remembered and found it had now 'always' been a white dwarf, which made a weird kind of mandela effect logic since it then also looked white as well as being classified as white. Except later I checked again and it had flip flopped back to being a yellow dwarf except they said it actually was a green colored star classified as a yellow dwarf but just looked white. OK Mandela, you win, I give up!

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